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Kote Gaeshi Throw

The OnLine Dojo

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Please Select:

Enter Your Skype ID (Registration only):

If you are just registering for the dojo then STOP here and submit the form. If you are making a booking please continue.

Enter Your Booking Details:

Date of On-Line Seminar  Attending:

Requested Dates for One-2-One Session:

Sensei will get back to you to agree one of these dates

Don’t Forget To Make Your Payment Below

Online Dojo Registration & Booking Form

The “Online Dojo”  regular weekly web based training session will continue throughout the current lockdown. These are every Tuesday & Thursday starting on the 7th Jan’21 until further notice’

The 60 minute private one-2-one sessions are also still available.

The 60 minute online mini-seminar to cover specific areas of practice are yet to be confirmed.

 The sessions are live with personal interaction with the instructor during the class. Numbers for seminars will be limited so please book in advance.

(see diary for future dates)

How it Works

1. Set up a free Skype account and download the app to your computer.

2. Register with “The Online Dojo” using the form opposite. You only need to register once. You can register and make a booking at the same time or just register ready for future events.

3. Make your payment by purchasing a session or sessions on a pay-as-you- go basis (PAYG). See payment box below

PAYG payments must be made in advance of your intended session to ensure you are registered to attend.

4. Join the online Dojo 5 minutes before the designated time and begin a gentle warm-up while you wait for the session to start. Do wear your Gi. Here is the link:


once you have an account just click to join the training session at your prearranged time.

What you will need:

You will need a laptop or desktop computer with web camera and sufficient space to be able to practice safely. Built in webcams are ok but it is much better to have a computer linked to a dedicated webcam and connected to your TV via a HDMI cable.

The webcam that we recommend is very easy to set up and can be purchased from the Amazon link shown.

Online Dojo Booking
M/ship No.

© Jurojin Ltd 2025